Putu Ravindra Wiguna's Profile Picture

Hello, I'm

Putu Ravindra Wiguna

ML Engineer in the Making | Passionate About AI

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About me

I am a fresh graduate from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. I have been fortunate to achieve a GPA of 3.84 out of 4 from my study at the Informatics Engineering Department, which highlights my commitment to my studies. I am excited to seek new experiences that will help me build my future career. My love for Math, Logic, and Programming drives my enthusiasm for the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

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Bachelor of Computer Science
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

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Programming Language

  • Python

Tools, Libraries, and Framework

  • Git

  • Pandas

  • Numpy

  • Scikit-learn

  • PyTorch

  • Linux

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Age Estimation and Gender Classification
An App designed to estimate the age and gender of a person or group of people based on an image. The app utilize four main models. A Feature Extractor model based on EfficientNetV2S architecture fine-tuned to extract features from a faces; a simple Fully Connected Neural Network for gender classification and two additional models to estimate the person's age based on the predicted gender.
Name Generation with LSTM
A Simple LSTM Model to generate name based on country of origin and starting letter. It generates the name character by character, until the model predicted an EOS token.
Movie Review Sentiment Classification
A Sentiment Classification model based on Transformer and Vision Transformer architecture. The model is trained on IMDB Movie Review Dataset to classify the sentiment of the movie review into two categories, positive or negative. It able to classify a movie review up to around 256 words, including punctuation.
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